The program operates as follows:
1.The Scanner class from the java.util library is imported first. We can read user input thanks to this class.
2.SumCalculator is a class that we define. It has a main function. This is where the program begins.
3.We construct a new Scanner object in the main method, which reads data from the stream.
4. By printing a message to the console with System.out.print, we ask the user to enter the first number.
5. Using the scanner.nextInt() method, we read the user's input and put it in the num1 variable.
6. For the second number, we repeat steps 4 and 5, putting it in the num2 variable.
7.Adding the two numbers results in the sum, which is then recorded in the sum variable.
8.Then, using the + operator and the System.out.println function to concatenate strings, we print the outcome to the console.
The program operates as follows:
The Scanner class from the java.util library is imported first. We can read user input thanks to this class.
We create the class InputNumber, which has a main method. This is where the program begins.
We construct a new Scanner object in the main method, which reads data from the stream.
By using System.out.print to print a message to the console, we ask the user to provide an integer.
Using the scanner.nextInt() method, we read the user's input and place it in the num variable.
Then, using the + operator and the System.out.println method, we combine the num variable with a string to output the input number to the console.
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